About Christina

Christina smiling, sitting on stairs

Hello, Lovely Human! I’m Christina.

I’m so happy that you’re here.

Every day, we make choices. Most of them we make instantaneously. They’re habits we’ve formed. Many people (maybe you?) make choices that don’t add to their energy, which results in living the same type of day over and over again, doing things that don’t serve them.

Oof. No, thank you!

This isn’t Groundhog Day. Your mission (which you already accepted: It’s called living!) is to make choices each day that serve your energy—and to love the hell out of your life!

Wait, I thought I clicked your “About” page…

Choosing to go where your energy pulls you is a practice that enables you to live more fully—and as an Authentic Leadership and Executive Coach, I’m proof!

Following our energy is powerful—and one of the best gifts we can give ourselves.

I’ve made a habit of doing things daily that energize me, even when others think it’s silly. Like that time I got bored with my job and left a mere eight months before receiving a vested pension.

Christina in Red Sitting Near Column

Crazy, right?!

But (and this is even CRAZIER) the opportunity to secure that vested pension came back years later—because the Universe has our backs like that!

Here are other instances where choices I’d been invested in no longer served me. Instead of ignoring my energy when it said, “Nope!” I gave myself permission to change my mind and follow where my energy led.

I listened to my energy when it told me I needed a more challenging work environment than what my government job provided.

Woman with headphones

I listened to my energy when it told me I needed a more challenging work environment than what my government job provided.

Christina in Red Sitting Near Column

I trusted the wisdom of my energy when it refused to settle for people, programs, and careers that weren’t a fit.

I found the perfect fit for my energy as an Authentic Leadership & Executive Coach.

Spiral shaped puzzle with final piece about to be placed

I found the perfect fit for my energy as an Authentic Leadership & Executive Coach.

Colorful universe with stars

I refuse to limit where my energy can go and celebrate changing my mind through my business, Possibility Lab.

So, why does all this matter?

Following your energy makes everything so much more enjoyable. So does learning from others, don’t you think? After all, we’re on borrowed time—there’s not enough of it to try everything ourselves!

Here’s wisdom from my journey that might prove helpful to yours.

Things I’ve learned (so far)…

We are powerful, and we are our own biggest obstacle.

Emotions are data, too.

It’s not where we are but who we’re with that matters.

Our bodies are incredible and should be cared for accordingly.

Good humor gets us through a lot.

Never overcommit to anything but the best version of yourself.

Things happen for us, not to us—the Universe has our backs.

Patience and kindness are lifetime practices.

What is meant for you won’t skip you.

Eat dessert first.

What it all comes down to…

An entire world of possibility lies within each of us. To release it, we have to recognize what inspires our energy. In doing so, we can make authentic, aligned choices and become powerful forces of good.

Start small with opportunities that pop up every day. Here are some small choices I’ve made recently based on where my energy led me. At first glance, they might seem insignificant, but they all positively contributed to my day and life.

Binged: Ted Lasso (while snuggling with my husband)
Watched: The Proposal
Read: Manga
Indulged in: Naps
Committed to: Moving my body
Used free time for: Listening to music, dancing, playing computer games online with my family, and seeing the 1980s movie Troop Beverly Hills at a local historic theater.
Prioritized connecting with: My nieces and nephews (experiencing complete trust with little human lives as an aunt is an enormously precious gift!)
Christina in Red on Column

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